Vol. 52 No. 1 (2013): School management and organization.

					View Vol. 52 No. 1 (2013): School management and organization.

The new issue of Perspectiva Educacionalis related to school management and organization. It aims to look into the systems regulating the institutional life in educational centers. Those systems are the foundations of any educational or formative project regarding school management.

The promotion of educational institutions requires the pursuit of the excellence of its mission. In order to do so, these institutions must be capable of modifying their decisions based on the variables that may occur during their path to find balance and harmony among them. At this point, cultural, technical, technological, curricular, necessities, utopias, and resources merge.

The main goal of this issue is analyzing, studying, and deepening some of these aspects. The articles address, from different perspectives, some of the problems found in school management and organization regarding content and reference areas. Aside from that, this issue aims to get to know those problems better and how to solve them.

The educational mission and task, as a social commitment, are a universal commitment that the society as a whole must assume and share, because society is the beneficiary of the formative action of education, despite the fact that the educational mission and task are a responsibility defined according to the public sector management and embodied by the State action. Thus, educational institutions should aim to be more than just another service provider. They should become active social intermediaries that are not satisfied with the simple management of space, time, and curricular content.

Published: 2013-01-31


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