VOL 55 Nº 2
Welcome to the 55th volume of Revista Perspectiva Educacional. The authors that have contributed to this issue enable us to extend our knowledge about pedagogical practices, teacher training, higher education, special education, family and schools. A first group of articles focuses on the scope of tertiary education; the second group focuses on the intervention from the special education and multiculturalism perspectives. This volume closes with two articles that address relevant themes such as family participation in the school and artistic education.
Volume 54 (2) of the magazine Perspectiva Educacional. Formacion de Profesores, leads us to a broad reading of an educational problem through ten articles. First, the teachers, their conceptions, practices, and the evolution of their identity. Second, the complexities of the results of the teaching process and the challenges of pedagogy to address the students' needs. Finally, in this issue different reflexions about the materialization of an ideology and political momentum in the curriculum are collected, as well as the role and participation of the family as a social reference and first educator of the children.
Ten invitations to reflect and discuss, as is our goal, from the challenges of education and teacher training, referring to possible new questions and research in the area.
The ongoing development of communication technology is deeply impacting academic institutions of all levels. Informed and integral reflection of empirical research contributes to indicate the role and value that these new technologies play and impart, respectively, to enrich learning environments.
"Learning Technologies and Learning Environments" addresses fundamentals; the use of TIC resources; the role of learning environments in the methodology of teacher training, both initial and ongoing; processes of teaching and learning; and institutional academic management at all levels of education.
This volume focuses in on these issues on both a theoretical and methodological level, including proposals to address current challenges within the world of education as well as the knowledge society writ large.
The new issue of Perspectiva Educacionalis related to school management and organization. It aims to look into the systems regulating the institutional life in educational centers. Those systems are the foundations of any educational or formative project regarding school management.
The promotion of educational institutions requires the pursuit of the excellence of its mission. In order to do so, these institutions must be capable of modifying their decisions based on the variables that may occur during their path to find balance and harmony among them. At this point, cultural, technical, technological, curricular, necessities, utopias, and resources merge.
The main goal of this issue is analyzing, studying, and deepening some of these aspects. The articles address, from different perspectives, some of the problems found in school management and organization regarding content and reference areas. Aside from that, this issue aims to get to know those problems better and how to solve them.
The educational mission and task, as a social commitment, are a universal commitment that the society as a whole must assume and share, because society is the beneficiary of the formative action of education, despite the fact that the educational mission and task are a responsibility defined according to the public sector management and embodied by the State action. Thus, educational institutions should aim to be more than just another service provider. They should become active social intermediaries that are not satisfied with the simple management of space, time, and curricular content.
In this new number, the central thematic corresponds to Diversity and Inclusive Education. Both of them are aspects that we have to live in our complex and ever changing society, where they become meaningful and relevant, especially in the context of most of the educational systems that tirelessly pursuit quality and equality.
The historical separations between normal and especial education has installed and stimulated a way to understand reality founded in differences and an individualistic approach. These elements configure a psychological and medical diagnostic model of deficits that is very hard to cure. This traditional conception has also configured the role of the teacher, which led to the emergence of "normal" and "especial" teaching practices that differ a lot from the current tendencies. These tendencies, along with an Inclusive Education paradigm, look for a quality education centered on the attention of the individual needs of all the students.
This thematic aims to propose updated lines of knowledge about the configurations of teachers' existence, specifically on the development of their professional deontology, considering initial training and on-going training programs.
Nowadays, teacher's professional identity is being challenged by the new social and cultural changes of the modern world. In fact, the mass spreading of education, the high speed of knowledge obsolescence, uncertainty, and the quality demands reflected on academic achievements, involve a redefinition and reinvention of teacher's identity.
The topic "Didactic and Pedagogical Practices" aims to propose new lines of updated knowledge that guide and active teacher training process, both theoretical and methodological, as well as educational proposals. Nowadays, Didactic sits between general and specific, which has led some people to consider it a science. From some approaches, its subject of study is the relationship between the student, the content, and the teacher on the classroom level, disciplinary level and curriculum level.
The discussion about these subjects with updated conceptual references is one of the purposes of this volume, as well as the discussion about specific didactic phenomena related to the training of teachers and the teaching and learning process within the classroom. On the other hand, this conceptual and empirical study about the pedagogical practices in the general educational system and the initial and further teacher training are issues of concern, whether it is on the theoretical level or in the search for indicator relating constructs with empirical evidence.
In this context, several subjects become relevant: "Today's Didactic: Approaches and Discussions", "The Relationship between Didactic and Curriculum", "Didactic Proposals for the Educational System at its All Levels (initial, primary, secondary and higher)", "Teaching Practices: Methodological and Conceptual References", "Educational Practices and Innovation."