Two Proposals for the Inclusion of Young People into the Educational System


  • Gloria Calvo Profesora honoraria de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia, Consultora e investigadora en educación independiente; Coordinadora del grupo de investigación Cultura democrática en la institución escolar, reconocido por Colciencias.
  • Marina Camargo Doctora en Ciencias sociales, niñez y juventud; Profesora de la Facultad de educación de la Universidad de La Sabana, de Colombia; Miembro del grupo de investigación Cultura democrática en la institución escolar, reconocido por Colciencias.



jovenes equidad inclusion bachillerato flexibilidad pedagogica


Research paper made from the evaluation of two flexible models for secondary education, namely: Creative Youth Groups (GJC) and Bachelor Pacicultor (BP). The interest is to show how the pedagogical flexibility, expressed in hours, materials, methodologies and supports, is a strategy for vulnerable young people have access to formal education. To offer these flexible models, the education system needs to think its assessment policies and recognize that these alternatives meet some challenges, but require further decisions to ensure the education as possibility of development of those who are not in the system education.





How to Cite

Calvo, G., & Camargo, M. (2013). Two Proposals for the Inclusion of Young People into the Educational System. Perspectiva Educacional, 52(1), 147–166.