A cooperative engineering about language and culture. Some examples of collective translations, songs and gestures, to inquire on practices.


  • Carole Le Hénaff CREAD, University of Western Brittany, France, Collective CLE – LEA RING
  • Julie Alno
  • Severine Bouvet
  • Tony Fournier
  • Morgan Droual
  • Julie Moreau
  • Guylène Motais-Louvel




Cooperative engineering culture language translation practices


This article presents a cooperative engineering project (Collectif Didactique Pour Enseigner [CDpE], 2024; Morales et al., 2017; Sensevy, 2011; Sensevy & Bloor, 2020; Sensevy et al., 2013) in language and culture at kindergarten schools in France. We attempt to show how cooperation between the members of this engineering (teachers, trainers, students, researchers), and between the students in the classes involved in the project, has been established, with the aim of learning to understand specific language practices, attached to a cultural context. We describe how the collective work of constructing the teaching sequence, of analyzing the practices implemented over the years and in different classes in parallel, leads to a "common work", based on "collective and cooperative action", especially collective translation and singing, with the idea that "to transform, to describe, to produce means of thinking and acting, is to make a common work" (CDpE, 2024).

Keywords: Cooperative engineering; culture; language; translation; practices.


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How to Cite

Le Hénaff, C., Alno, J., Bouvet, S., Fournier, T., Droual, M., Moreau, J., & Motais-Louvel, G. (2024). A cooperative engineering about language and culture. Some examples of collective translations, songs and gestures, to inquire on practices. Perspectiva Educacional, 63(3), 3–28. https://doi.org/10.4151/07189729-Vol.63-Iss.3-Art.1595



Sección temática: “La metodología de investigación de la Ingeniería Cooperativa. Elementos introductorios y ejemplos de investigación".