Generic Skills of Educators to Prevent Youth Discomfort. A training experience in Europe
Educators blended learning youth discomfort generic skills preventionAbstract
This paper offers a reflection on the necessity and importance of continuous training today for educators and teachers who work in close contact with young people on a daily basis, by a revision of generic skills that make it possible to prevent extremist behaviour and radicalisation among young people and instead promote critical thinking, resilience, a sense of belonging and social cohesion. At the same time, the contribution will report some significant results of the training experience carried out through the European Project DIVE IN "Preventing violent radicalisation among young individuals in Europe by innovative training approaches".
In this training experience, the intercultural competences, empathy skills, cognitive decentralisation, active listening and dialogue, digital competences were found to be key skills for educators to be able to guarantee quality education for all, to contribute to creating sustainable communities, and to promote peace, justice and strong institutions in line with the UN 2030 Development Goals.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valentina Guerrini

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The authors grant an exclusive licence, without time limit, for the manuscript to be published in the Perspectiva Educacional journal, published by the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Valparaíso (Chile), through the School of Pedagogy.