Do engineering students and active engineers receive benefits if they put environmental education into practice?


  • Ingrid Iovana Burgos Espinoza Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • Jorge Luis Garcia Alcaraz Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • Alfonso Gil López Universidad de la Rioja, España
  • Hooman Mousavi Universidad de Tecnología, Teherán



Economic benefits Environmental benefits Environmental education Environmental values Social benefits


This study analyzes the social, economic, and environmental benefits of environmental education (EE) programs in educational institutions in Mexico, focusing on the relationships between environmental benefits (ENB), economic benefits (ECB), and social benefits (SOB) through a structural equation model validated with information from 573 responses to a questionnaire and using the partial least squares technique. The results mean that SOB has a direct and positive effect on ECB. In addition, it offers recommendations to effectively integrate EE into the planning, design, construction, and engineering-related project processes to maximize the realization and perception of benefits (ECB, ENB, and SOB).


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How to Cite

Burgos Espinoza, I. I., Garcia Alcaraz, J. L., Gil López, A., & Mousavi, H. (2024). Do engineering students and active engineers receive benefits if they put environmental education into practice?. Perspectiva Educacional, 63(3), 257–284.



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