English as Foreign Language Teachers from Mexican Public Primary Schools: Readiness for Emergency Remote Teaching and Challenges for Post Pandemic Times


  • José Luis Ramírez Romero Universidad de Sonora
  • Cristian Enrique Gómez Domínguez Universidad Kino
  • Christian Javier Salas Juárez Universidad Kino
  • Gildardo Bautista Hernández Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Puebla




English as a Foreign Language Primary School ICT Emergency Remote Teaching COVID-19


This paper answers the overarching research questions: Were English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers from Mexican public primary schools ready in terms of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) use for emergency remote teaching to face COVID-19 pandemic times, why, and what are the challenges for post pandemic times? Data was collected using a questionnaire whose items were adopted from previous studies conducted in English-speaking countries and translated into Spanish. The instrument was answered by a sample of 279 teachers from northwest Mexico, selected by non-probabilistic sampling. We analyzed the data from the questionnaires using descriptive analysis. Results suggest that EFL teachers were not ready for Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) to face COVID-19 pandemic times due to institutional and personal factors or barriers. The paper concludes with some challenges for post pandemic times.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Romero, J. L., Gómez Domínguez, C. E., Salas Juárez, C. J., & Bautista Hernández, G. (2024). English as Foreign Language Teachers from Mexican Public Primary Schools: Readiness for Emergency Remote Teaching and Challenges for Post Pandemic Times. Perspectiva Educacional, 63(2), 83–104. https://doi.org/10.4151/07189729-Vol.63-Iss.2-Art.1434



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