About the Journal


Perspectiva Educacional is an inter-disciplinary journal that receives investigating and theoretical articles in areas like: epistemology, education management, education politics, general and specific didactic, inclusive education, education and communication new technologies (ITC), cognitive development, curriculum, education assessment, among others.

Since 1980 until 2007, PERSPECTIVA EDUCACIONALhas periodically published. This period is interrupted with the purpose of transform it into a new format, allowing a greater visibility and coverage, nationally and internationally. As such, on November 2010, our journal reappears with a renewed and online publication, providing an easier way to review the articles and establishing a specialized mean of dissemination about initial and continual teacher's training process.

This journal only receives original papers without being simultaneously sent to other journals. Until 2016, two annual issues were published, in January (31) and June (30). Since 2017, starts the publication of three issues per year, in the months of January (31), June (30) and October (31).

The journal is intended for researchers, teachers, and professionals in the field of education. This contributes to: the development of teacher's training processes, the proposal of new lines of thought, pursuing the exchange of investigation results and the discussion of ideas in the field of education. In addition to the above, this journal aims mainly to the initial and continual teacher's training process.

The articles published on PERSPECTIVA EDUCACIONAL are indexed or summarized by:

  • SciELO
  • EBSCO Publishing's Data bases
  • OEI
  • LatinREV
  • ProQuest
  • CIRC

PERSPECTIVA EDUCATIONAL is funded and sponsored by:

  • Faculty of Philosophy and Education



Perspectiva Educacional, submit all the articles to a rigorous peer evaluation process that takes between one to six month

Once the editing team assessed the thematic relevance and the fulfillment of the formal requirements explained in the “author’s norms”, two blind evaluators are assigned to undertake the evaluation process. They will fell the assessment pattern through the Journal’s platform, depending on the nature of the article: research or theoretical. The assessment concludes with an expert opinion indicating that the manuscript has been: Accepted, Accepted with minor modifications, Accepted with major modifications, or Rejected. Regarding the assessment, the evaluators are asked to: a) indicate the fulfillment of the criteria of form and content; and b) develop a general appraisal of the article, including suggestions and contributions.

If the evaluators do not agree, the manuscript is sent to a third evaluator in order to take the final decision.

The evaluators are academic experts on the subject, external to the editing committee, and, preferably, of nationalities different to the authors.

In this review process, the journal sends to the authors the suggestions made by the editing committee, including the rejected articles.

-Second review of the manuscript: from the observations and contributions from the peer reviewers, the editor prepares a document that gathers every suggestion and eliminates all the information that allows identifying them. This document is sent to the authors. They will decide whether they send a new review of the manuscript, considering the observations made by the evaluators, or if they abandon the process. If they want to send a new version to continue on the review process, the editing team will assign a date to send the articles with the adjustments that need to be made (it fluctuates between 2 to 3 weeks). If the authors do not want to continue, the manuscript is taken out of the journal’s data base and the authors are informed that there will not be another review of their article.

If the article is rejected by the evaluators, the author(s) are informed about the suggestions made by the evaluators.

-Review second round: the editor receives a new version of the article. This version is then anonymously referred to the evaluators of the first version, for the purpose of checking if the suggestions were considered or not. In order to do so, the first version, the first assessment, and the new version are sent. Based on this, each evaluator assesses the new manuscript and indicates the editor if new modifications are needed, or if he considers the article publishable.

-Final decision: once the editor receives the new assessments from the peer reviewers, himself and the editing team do a global assessment of the article. Then, the final decision is made. If the evaluators consider that new adjustments are still needed, the editor prepares a document with the new assessments, pay attention to the anonymity of the evaluators. This document is then sent to the authors and the previous process is repeated until the evaluator considers the article ready to be published.

Anonymity of the authors and evaluators is maintained in all instances. This way, the final version is prepared.

-Publication: once the article has been finally accepted, the author is asked for a letter surrendering the right of the article.



Perspectiva Educacional journal, teacher training, is published three times a year, on the following dates:

  • January 31st
  • June 30th
  • October 31st



This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a more significant global exchange of knowledge.



The journal Perspectiva Educacional of Pontificia Universidad Católica of Valparaíso is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity in the publishing of scientific articles according to the guidelines established in its editorial definition. For this, the following ethical standards apply:

  1. Decision of publishing articles:

The Editor of the journal Perspectiva Educacional with the team of co-editors are ultimately responsible for the decisions about the publications of articles. These decisions are based on both statements concerning the journal´s editorial profile attainment, scientific quality, editing and ethical standards, and the assessment of the articles by the evaluators.

  1. Use and Confidentiality of articles

The Editor and Co-editors affirm not to use, without the express permission of the author/s, the information generated by the original articles submitted to the Journal. If an author manifested a claim regarding this point, a letter would be sent with the justified responses to what has been raised.

The use of the synthesis of the articles published in Perspectiva Educacional, for the editing of the Educational Bulletin that the journal distributes in schools of the region, is requested with a formal letter sent to the authors for the authorization of the publication.

Perspectiva Educacional maintains absolute confidentiality throughout the whole editing process, protecting the authors and evaluators' anonymity, regarding revised content, evaluation guidelines and any other communication issued by the Editor, Co-editors, Editorial and Scientific Council, as needed.

The highest standards of confidentiality for clarifications, complaints or claims that an author can present regarding the editorial process and article evaluation are applied.

The names of the evaluators that take part in the review of articles will be disclosed in a general list, published annually, without any association to the article evaluated.

  1. Originality and Plagiarism

Perspectiva Educacional will especially ensure originality in the authorship of the published manuscripts. In this sense, manuscripts in which some degree of similarity with other work already published, copies of paragraphs or omissions in reference to previous work (plagiarism) are detected, they will be eliminated from the journal and/or automatically excluded from publication and the Editor will inform the author of this transgression.

Therefore, the authors, by accepting the rules of the journal, commit to ensuring that the submitted article is an original work and does not infringe rights of third parties.
When the authorship of an article is shared, must formally declare that:
a) All authors have intellectually contributed in de development of it.
b) They agree with the content of the manuscript.
c) The work hasn´t been previously published in any other magazine or format.

Authors should ensure that the data presented in the article are reliable and haven´t been altered to verify or answer the hypotheses or assumptions formulated.

  1. Quality and Integrity of publication

Perspectiva Educacional cares especially for authors and readers, for it strives to provide the highest quality of published articles, submitting them to a rigorous evaluation process (see rules for authors), protecting rights over article content and respecting the integrity of the published articles.

On the other hand, the authors should ensure that the literature and research reviewed during the preparation of their article are the most current and relevant and consider the schools of thought relevant to the subject, focus and/or research questions.

  1. Conflict of Interest

Any article that is the result of research with external financing must have publication consent by the institution to which the publication is attached.

Any commercial association that may cause a conflict of interest about the submitted article must be communicated by the authors.



Perspectiva Educacional doesn't have any publication fees for authors and all the contents are freely accessible and usable under Creative commons license.



Perspectiva Educacional subscribes to the CRediT authorship credit initiative (Contributor Roles Taxonomy, in English) is an initiative of CASRAI (Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration) that aims to differentiate and recognize the contribution of each author who signs an academic research article.

This taxonomy distributes participation roles into 14 typologies through which an author obtains recognition in the publication, identifying themselves in one of the following categories:

  1. Conceptualization - Ideas, formulation or evolution of research objectives.
  2. Data acquisition - Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), clean data and maintain research data (including software code, when necessary to interpret one’s own data) for initial use and subsequent reuse.
  3. Formal analysis - Application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other techniques to record, analyze or synthesize study data.
  4. Funding acquisition - Acquisition of financial support for the project leading to publication.
  5. Investigation - Execution of research, specifically performing experiments or collecting data/evidence.
  6. Methodology - Development or design of methodology.
  7. Project administration - Responsibility for management and coordination of planning and execution of research activity.
  8. Resources - Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources or other analysis tools.
  9. Software - Programming, software development, computer program design, implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms, testing existing code components.
  10. Supervision - Responsibility for oversight and leadership in planning and conducting research activities, including external mentoring to the core team.
  11. Validation - Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replicability/reproduction of results/experiments or other research products.
  12. Visualization - Preparation, creation or presentation of published work, specifically visualization/presentation of data.
  13. Writing - original draft - Preparation, creation or presentation of published work, specifically writing the initial draft (substantive translation included).
  14. Writing - review and editing - Preparation, creation or presentation of published work by members of the original research group, specifically critical review, comment or revision - pre- or post-publication stages should be included.