Learning to Teach Online during the Pandemic: Chilean EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Experiences during their First Online Practicum
https://doi.org/10.4151/07189729-Vol.62-Iss.4-Art.1300Palabras clave:
practicum EFL teacher training Covid-19 EnglishResumen
In order to continue delivering lessons to prevent students’ learning from being affected as a result of the pandemic, education systems around the world transitioned to distance learning. However, the transition process was far from being untroubled. Likewise, primary, secondary, and higher education in Chile experienced major disruptions. In 2020, schools around the country closed as a result of the pandemic, leading most institutions to migrate to online teaching. This change also seriously affected teacher education programs in Chile; carrying out a face-to-face practicum in a pandemic context resulted non-viable, forcing teacher educators and institutions to abruptly implement the online mode of delivery. The main aim of the present article is to explore a group of Chilean EFL pre-service teachers’ perceptions with regards to their online practicum carried out under circumstances characterized by high levels of uncertainty and the need to rapidly adjust to new conditions. More specifically, the article focuses on two key aspects. On the one hand, it outlines the pre-service teachers’ perceptions with regards to the main challenges and opportunities encountered in this experience. On the other hand, the article explores pre-service teachers’ beliefs with regards to the impact that this experience might have on their teaching practice in the short and long term. The present study employed a qualitative design with an exploratory and descriptive approach. In order to take into account the voices of the participants, eight individual semi-structured interviews with pre-service teachers were carried out. The main findings refer to three sets of challenges and opportunities: the focus on technological and pedagogical skills as opposed to content; autonomy in the classroom paired with neglect on the side of the mentor teacher; and the ability to build bonds as opposed to being affected by the pupils’ lack of motivation. Furthermore, the study also showcases that the pre-service teachers believe that their first online practicum equipped them with useful ICTs skills that will have a positive impact both on their teaching practice in the short and long term and in their employability. Nevertheless, doubts were also raised regarding how the new skills would actually contribute to their development as teachers in regular, face-to-face contexts. The study helps understanding the effects of the pandemic on initial teacher training, which is a necessary step towards reshaping this process for future generations.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Mirona Moraru, Diego Monasterio López, Erika Ramírez Moya, Julio Marty Cárcamo
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